Zarathushtrian Association

of New Zealand

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ZANZ was established in 1996 with the main objectives:

  • to preserve the cultural identity of Zoroastrians in the multi-cultural society of New Zealand,
  • to preserve and advance the tenets of the Zoroastrian religion amongst the members of the association and the Zoroastrian community in New Zealand and
  • to make a cultural contribution to the New Zealand society.

Over the years, ZANZ has facilitated the integration of newly arrived Zoroastrians into the Zoroastrian community as well as into New Zealand society. The Zoroastrian community has grown rapidly in the past decade and we aim to reach out to the wider community of New Zealand and its leadership in order to firmly establish the important role and contributions of Zoroastrians in New Zealand.

We also intend to develop cooperation, cordial relations and mutual understanding between the people of New Zealand and the Zoroastrian community and to take all the steps considered necessary or expedient to facilitate such cooperation, relations and mutual understanding. We will do our best to contribute to the promotion and advancement of the interests and welfare of New Zealand.

Kind Regards,

ZANZ Management Committee 2015 - 2017.

Documents Forms and Links

This sections contains information about various membership types, documents and web links. 

It also contains a copy of all the newsletters produced by ZANZ over the years.

Happy reading!!!


ZANZ conducts various activities throughout the year. These include:

1. Fortnightly prayer classes for pre and post navjote kids.

2. Monthly Senior Citizens Coffee Group Meetings

3. Annual Jashans for Jamshedi Navroze in March and New Year in August.

4. Various annual social and sporting events such as Annual Sports, Badminton, Antakshari, etc, as scheduling permits.

Contact Us

Any written correspondence can be sent to us on:


P.O.BOX 251128

Pakuranga, Auckland.

If you would like to contact the ZANZ management committee via email, please send your email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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