Zarathushtrian Association

of New Zealand

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Memorandum of Understanding with ZCT

zctbig logo                                  ZANZ Logo







Section 1 – Introduction

Zoroastrian Community Trust of New Zealand (ZCT)

ZCT was established on 23 March 2007 as a Charitable Trust. It was then officially registered on 9 November 2007 with the Charities Commission under the Charities Act 2005. Without prejudice to its specific powers and duties, the Trust Fund was established for the advancement of Zoroastrian Culture, Religion and purposes beneficial to the Zoroastrian community in New Zealand to the extent that these continue to be charitable purposes under the laws applying in New Zealand from time to time. This purpose is to be achieved by owning a Zoroastrian Community Centre that provides the community with a venue for social or community functions and a permanent place for worship.

The funds for ZCT are attained thru ongoing donations by pledge donors from the Zoroastrian community, one-off donation sums from individuals and organizations and through fund-raising activities.

ZCT is governed by legislation under the Charitable Trust Act 1957 and Charities Act 2005. The Trust Deed prescribes the objectives and management of ZCT (available for viewing at


Zarathushtrian Association of New Zealand (ZANZ)

ZANZ was established under the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 on 2 September 1996. Without prejudice to its specific powers and duties, the general function for which ZANZ was established was for the advancement of its objectives which are to:

1. Preserve the cultural identity of Zarathushtrians in the multi cultural society of New Zealand.

2. Make a cultural contribution to New Zealand society.

3. Preserve and advance the tenets of the Zarathushtrian religion amongst the members of the Association and the Zarathushtrian community in New Zealand.

4. Facilitate the integration of newly arrived Zarathushtrians into the Zarathushtrian community as well as into New Zealand society.

5. Develop cooperation, cordial relations and mutual understanding between the people of New Zealand and the Zarathushtrian community and to take all the steps considered necessary or expedient to facilitate such cooperation, relations and mutual understanding.

6. Provide relief to Zarathushtrians in distress and to assist in their welfare. Maintain and preserve cordial and fraternal relations with Zarathushtrian Associations throughout the world.

7. Contribute to the promotion and advancement of the interests and welfare of New Zealand.

8. Assist, by donations or otherwise, charities situated in New Zealand and overseas.

9. Promote and maintain cordial relations with Associations or bodies of other religions and cultures in New Zealand and throughout the world.

10. Make representations to government, local bodies and Authorities in order to secure the rights and interests of the Zarathushtrian community.

11. Participate in any other activities or Objects which may, from time to time, be decided upon by the Society at a duly convened General Meeting.

ZANZ attains its income through membership fees and thru social and cultural activities for the Zoroastrian community.

ZANZ is governed by legislation under the Incorporated Societies Act 1957 and Charities Act 2005. The Constitution prescribes the objectives and management of ZANZ (available for viewing at


Key mutual factor between ZCT and ZANZ

The two organisations were established to satisfy the Zoroastrian community’s needs and complement each other with the purpose of each organisation pursuing its individual objectives under its respective charter.

Both the organisations are managed by elected individuals members or donors of the Zoroastrian community respectively, with no corporate entity or individual having a say or control. The Trustees form the governing body of ZCT are collectively called the Trust Board. The Committee members form the governing body of ZANZ are collectively called the Managing Committee.

A ZCT Trustee can be appointed as a ZANZ committee member, and vice-versa, as the two organisations are independent however are united by their vision of serving the needs of the Zoroastrian community.

ZCT was formed by members of ZANZ at the AGM of 2005 on receiving the mandate from the ZANZ membership, to put forward a proposal to the Zoroastrian community at large that showed how as a community we could go about establishing Zoroastrian community hall and place for worship.

The Zoroastrian Community Centre and place for worship will be built and managed by the ZCT, with the facilities that can be used by ZANZ for its activities.


Section 2 - What is the MOU for?

This MOU sets out how ZCT and ZANZ propose to work together, both in aiding each other’s objectives to which both organisations work, and in promoting each other’s organisation.

The principal purpose of this MOU is to support each other, work collaboratively and in doing so help the Zoroastrian community that the two organisations represent and serve.

Both organisations will, from time to time, jointly review the effectiveness of the operation of this MOU and jointly assess the extent to which the objectives set out in this document have been achieved.


Section 3 - Working together(Henry Ford said: “Coming Together is a Beginning. Keeping Together is Progress. Working together is Success”)


Activities of the organisations

ZANZ, as an incorporated society, will carry on conducting events that strengthen the cohesiveness of the community by conducting:

  • religious functions like Jashans, Gambhars and children prayer classes, and presentations on the Zoroastrian religion, culture, history, etc.;
  • social activities that allow members of the community to come together to celebrate festivals, other social events like quiz contest, talent contest, plays, etc.;
  • sports events like sports day, badminton contest, etc.

ZCT, as charitable trust, will carry on conducting events that focus on raising funds to meet the goal of establishing a Zoroastrian Community Centre and a permanent place for worship in a planned phased manner. The activities conducted are:

  • information sessions to promote ZCT to Zoroastrians, encouraging them to become “Pledge Donors” and to non-Zoroastrian by encouraging them to contribute to this worthy cause;
  • Major social fund-raising activities open to the general public, such as entertainment shows (Hypnotist show), plays (Dolphin theatre), music/dance events (Mid Winter Dance Soirée), etc;
  • Minor fund-raising activities like sausage sizzles, stalls at shows and community events, etc.
  • Raising funds local and through international appeals to Charities ,organisations and individuals
  • Canvassing for funds and mega events from local and international sponsors

Objectives - Areas of co-operation

ZCT will aim to:

  • assist ZANZ in promoting to its donors the role ZANZ plays in the larger Zoroastrian community and the benefits of being a member of ZANZ;
  • share with ZANZ its list of upcoming activities so to circumvent any overlap of activities;
  • assist ZANZ whenever possible to promote ZANZ activities;
  • assist ZANZ whenever possible in any religious or social functions;
  • assist ZANZ with volunteer support;
  • from time to time hold joint social activity/function with ZANZ.

ZANZ will aim to:

  • assist ZCT in promoting to its members the role ZCT plays in the larger Zoroastrian community and the benefits of donating to ZCT;
  • share with ZCT its list of upcoming activities so that there are no overlap of activities;
  • assist ZCT whenever possible to promote ZCT activities;
  • assist ZCT whenever possible in any fund raising activities;
  • assist ZCT by donating / lending to ZCT the use of its assets;
  • assist ZCT with volunteer support;
  • to assist ZCT from time to time by monetary donation towards ZCT activities;
  • from time to time hold joint social or religious activity/function with ZCT.


Responding to the Community Zoroastrian and non-Zoroastrian, local and international

Any contentious matters about either organisation or activity/function conducted by either organisation will be managed within either organisation’s independent complaints procedures. This is necessary as each organisation is accountable as per its charter and under the laws application in New Zealand from time to time.

In the event of any concerns, complaints, feedback or suggestions concerning a joint activity/function, and/or how the two organisations interact, there will be a review of individual matter or a joint review of matters. The two organisations will ensure that they share and exchange information for on a timely basis. Where appropriate and if possible, the two organisations will take a joint approach to resolving issues raised in a cordial manner in a reasonable timeframe as decided by organisations.

In the event of contravention or breach of this Memorandum of Understanding the organisation will bring this to the attention of the other party. The Trust Board and Managing Committee will meet to resolve the situation.

Designated points of contact

In order to ensure that communications and any other matters are handled appropriately, contact between the ZCT and ZANZ should be established between designated points of contact.

Area of Liaison



Religious Function / Activity

Trustees who manage communications

Committee Email

Social function / Activity

Trustees who manage communications

Committee Email

Entertainment Function / Activity

Trustees who manage communications

Committee Email

Sporting function / activity

Trustees who manage communications

Committee Email

All other areas

Trustees who manage communications

Committee Email


Review of Memorandum of Understanding

The Trust Board of ZCT and Managing Committee of ZANZ will meet once every six months to:

  • maintain areas of co-operation listed in this MOU
  • share planned activities (if any) for the preceding six months
  • enhance cordial relationship between both the organisations
  • jointly review the effectiveness of this MOU


Effective Date and Signature

This MOU shall be effective upon the signature of the Trustees of ZCT and the Managing Committee members of ZANZ. It shall be in force from the date of this MOU to such time either organisation chooses to terminate this MOU. Either organisation will need to give the other organisation at least three months prior written notice of its intention to terminate this MOU.

Signed on xx 2012 on behalf of the Zoroastrian Community Trust of New Zealand by the Trustees:


Ronnie Patrawala                                   Tanaz Siganporia                       Shahazad Contractor


Tehmus Mistry                                       Vicky Mistry

Signed on xx 2011 on behalf of the Zarathushtrian Association of New Zealand by the Managing Committee members:


Jarafshan Mistry                                    Dilshad Shroff                          Roshni Daruwalla

President                                              Vice President                           Treasurer


Delzin Balsara                                       Anaheeta Sethna

Secretary                                              Committee Member

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